I am going to tell you how being a Maskcara Beauty artist and a mom blessed my life. If you want to learn more about the artist program read more here. This is me and my kiddos. My daughter is three and my son is 18 months old. My full time job is caring for my children. I love staying home with my children every day because I am here for them every minute for snuggles, playtime, meals, nap time, kisses and bedtime.
Being a Maskcara Beauty Artist is the second best job for me! It gives me the option of staying home with my children while still providing my family with additional income.
Why did I choose to become a Maskcara Beauty artist?
All of my life all I ever wanted to be was a mom. I dreamed of having my babies and being able to love on them all day long. My mother didn’t work outside of the home and I never planned to. I needed something that I could do from home, when I wanted to, when I had time, when I wasn’t taking care of my children that would also give me a creative outlet, time to do something I loved, and provide an income. Those are some hefty requirements if you ask me but being a Maskcara Beauty artist fits perfectly into my mom-life.
What I Do
I share my favorite makeup in person and online. If Target was going to pay you to share your favorite clothing items, wouldn’t you? That’s basically how it works. First, I share my favorite makeup online. Then, I provide my custom color recommendations. I help and teach those who are new to this makeup how to use it. Sometimes, I give in home makeovers to those who want to try it and then customers can order through my unique link if they are ready to buy.
On my Instagram, Facebook or blog I will give my tips and tricks from two years of experience of being a Maskcara Beauty Artist. By sharing the makeup I can earn free makeup for myself that I can also share with others. Then, I will even help troubleshoot any issues a customer may be having with their makeup. I answer questions about the makeup and tools. And I still have time to play with my kiddos and be a mom.
What I Don’t Do
First of all, I don’t ever buy inventory and hope I guess the right products people will want and try to sell them from my home. Also, I don’t ever deal with packaging or shipping products. There are no minimum sales requirements I have to hit in order to be paid from my sales. There is no consequence for not hitting certain marks each month. Plus, I never send random messages to strangers on the internet. Lastly, I never spam my friends and family with pictures of products, asking them to buy.
Would being a Maskcara Beauty Artist be a right fit for you?
Being a Maskcara Beauty Artist certainly isn’t for everyone but it may just be something you’d like to learn more about. I would never push someone to do something they didn’t really want to do. I love and support all women in their adventures and I truly care about you and what your goals are. If you are a mom, a college student, a newly married wife, a grandma, a school teacher, a business owner, a woman who wants something new and exciting in her life then contact me and we can chat more about what being an artist would like for you.
Here is more information about being a Maskcara Artist!
Want to try it? I will color match you to your perfect highlight and contour shades!