Why consider the Seint Artist program? I am here to give you some fun details about the Seint Affiliate Program! It may just be a good fit for you!
Work from anywhere
When you are able to work from your phone you are able to work anywhere! As long as I have access to the internet I am able to work my business. There are so many free apps that allow you to share about your life and your business using just your phone! You can work from anywhere! I mean, you probably scroll through Instagram or Facebook daily so why not use the app to your advantage and start with social selling. Social selling is anytime someone on Instagram posts about a product or a restaurant or a store that they love. It doesn’t mean they are doing it to earn money, they just want to share something they found with their friends! Social selling can be such a powerful way to build your business. You can still be real and authentic and share things you love with your followers.
Go at your own pace
The Seint artist program was designed for all women to be able to find success. It is a very simple system where you can literally work your business as little or as much as you’d like. There is no monthly minimums to sell or buy a certain amount of product. There are no yearly renewal fees. You can start slow by sharing the product with your family and friends or you can use a free social selling app to start growing your cliental base. I know Seint artists who work their business on the side and have a lot of fun making a bit of extra cash each month! I also know Seint artists who work their business consistently and fiercely and are able to make a full time income!
Get paid 5x a month
For every sale you make you earn a minimum of 20% commission. Each Friday you will be paid for the sales from the previous week. You can earn up to 40% commission from your monthly sales if you hit the higher commission brackets. If you do decide to build a team you will be able to earn a bonus commission check each month from their sales.
Focus on the fun parts
Seint is meant to be fun! The company works hard to take care of everything for you! First, you do not need to carry inventory. Second, you will not be making trips to the post office. Third, you can rely on the company to handle customer service. You get to focus on the fun parts of a business! Sharing the product and teaching others along the way.
Earn free product
Not only will you be able to earn a commission from your sales, you will also be able to earn free product. Seint has a generous reward system in place that you and your customers can use to earn free products.
Why consider the Seint Artist Program? Read more about how you can get started here.